Alfred´s Teach Yourself To Play Piano Complete Pack

From Alfred Music, the worldwide leader in music education products since 1922, comes Alfred's Teach Yourself to Play Piano, Complete Starter Pack! This best-selling, complete starter pack includes a high-quality full-size Firebrand electric piano, deluxe accessories including a sheet music stand, and Alfred's Teach Yourself to Play Piano Course (Book, CD, DVD, Software for Mac and PC), the best-selling multimedia instruction series for beginners of all ages.
High-quality Firebrand electric piano features:
- 61 full-size keys
- 100 preset sounds and rhythms
- Illuminated LED keyboard display
- Built-in speakers
- Record Yourself Playing
- Sheet music stand
Klavier Morton Manus, Willard A. Palmer, Thomas Palmer Noten, DVD und CD
Find more from: Alfred Publishing

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