Jazz Piano

Hal Leonard
Jazz Piano
Featuring lessons, music, historical analysis and rare photos, this book/CD pack provides a complete overview of the techniques and styles popularized by 15 of the greatest jazz pianists of all time. All the best are here: from the early ragtime stylings of Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton, to the modal escapades of Bill Evans, through the '70s jazz funk of Herbie Hancock. CD contains 15 full-band tracks.
Klavier Liam Noble Noten und CD Keyboard Instruction
Find more from: Hal Leonard
Info: → Jazz Piano

Music Maker

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Jazz Piano

Hal Leonard
Jazz Piano
Learn the essential concepts of jazz harmony and melody with Jazz Piano. This book and CD package contains a wealth of knowledge for any aspiring jazz musician. The accompanying CD holds 57 tracks for you to play along with and hone your improvising skills. It covers all aspects of jazz piano, including: seventh, altered and extended chords; progressions; rootless voicings; octave voicings; tritone substitution; functional harmony; chromatic harmony; scales and modes; what to play over various chord types; building melodies; soloing; and more!
Klavier Christian Klikovits Noten und CD Music Instruction
Find more from: Hal Leonard
Info: → Jazz Piano

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