Loose Your Life

Advance Music
Loose Your Life
Loose Your Life Life (And It Will Surely Find You) features the tenor saxophone in a gospel-flavored 7/4 funk piece which has roots in my youth, growing up in a family in which my father was a pentecostal minister. The regular visits of outstanding gospel music groups in the Sunday services and during revival meetings made an indelible imprint on my musical consciousness. (Bill Dobbins) Grade 4 Lead trumpet: e3 CD: 'Prism' - The WDR BIG BAND Cologne Plays Music of Bill Dobbins and Peter Erskine Instrumentation: Full Score Alto Sax 1 Alto Sax 2 Tenor Sax 1 Tenor Sax 2 Baritone Sax Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2 Trumpet 3 Trumpet 4 Trumpet 5 Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Trombone 3 Bass Trombone Guitar Piano Bass Drums
Big Band Peter Erskine Partitur und Stimmen
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