Sign Language for Singers

Over 160 movements most used by singers, definitions, demonstration photos. incl. Übungs-DVD
Music is the universal language, reaching all races and all ages. Now you can enhance this universal language with the beautiful gestures of sign language. With Sign Language for Singers, you will learn over 160 beautiful movements most commonly used by singers. The gestures are alphabetized for ease of use, with easy-to-follow definitions and demonstration photos for further visual reference. The DVD features John Jacobson demonstrating each gesture and with the DVD submenus, you can go directly to the move you desire. Also included are 10 featured songs with John performing the sign language, so you can see first-hand how these beautiful hand movements add meaning and depth to any musical performance. Add another dimension to your performances by incorporating the beautiful art of sign language into your movements with Sign Language for Singers. Featured Songs: Hearts Around the World, I See with My Heart, I'll Care, We Remember, Child of the World, Like a Mighty Stream, We Live the Dream (with 'Dona Nobis Pacem'), Silent Night, Kumbaya, America the Beautiful.
Gesang John Jacobson Noten und DVD
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